Base Name
Aug 23 2005
As I’m always happy to see a little unix utility saving me a lot of time, I will start this unix tip section in my blog, hoping to bring joy to the likes of me.
Today’s tip comes from the fellow designer Garrett. In my lousy little bash scripts I have
resorted to using my poor regex skills and sed to strip out an
extension from filename or remove a directory prefix. It turns out that there
is a neat utility that does it for ya. It’s called basename
. The
syntax is basename NAME [SUFFIX]
where NAME is the filename that
includes a file path. The optional suffix parameter allows you to strip out an
extension. As an example is always most useful, here’s how to render a bunch of
svgs into the current directory using inkscape:
for svg in /home/jimmac/icons/*svg; \
do stripped=basename $svg .svg
; \
echo “converting $stripped to PNG”; \
inkscape -e $stripped.png $svg;