Peach Project
Aug 2 2007
Oops, the Blender guys are doin’ it again.
Peach is the working title of a second open movie project. A handful of talented artist from the community will be sharing some office space in Amsterdam to produce an animated short film. While that alone is great, the best comes from the fact that blender developers will have some lab rats, err, target audience with very specific needs and tight deadlines.
So much new functionality made its way into blender last time that it’s almost irrelevant they actually made the premiere and a dual DVD of a great short not only full of behind the scenes bonuses, HD version of the movie but also the complete library of all the assets, scenes, textures, to study and modify under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.
If you want to support the already insane pace of blender development, go and preorder the DVD. Out of all the ways money has been tried to be injected into free software project, this seems to have been a 100% success. Some things are worth repeating.