GNOME Asia Summit
Jun 21 2012

Initially we intended to do a design workshop, but based on the preferences of the audience, we made more of a talk and demo. Allan and Jon explained the process we undertake to design GNOME. Due to popular demand I’ve given some insights on icon design.

Hong Kong City University, the venue for the GNOME Asia Summit.
I have to thank the organizers for setting up a great event, allowing us to spark up the interest in GNOME and address people to take part in the GNOME project in areas other than code. I hope to be able to participate in future events.
After the conference we took the opportunity of being at the same place to sit down and work out the kinks of some designs. We discussed details of the message tray, banner queing, initial setup and a fair bit more*. I have a much better feeling about the app-provided search in shell now too. Another quite fruitful conversation was about the role of the dash in the future. Quite related to the work I’m doing with Joost on the
I’m currently populating the photo collection here, but nowhere near getting through the hundreds of photos I took.
- I’m sure Allan will be doing a post on this too and he usually does a much better job writting a summary.