Dec 2 2019
This year I haven’t done any drone-related travelling. The sponsorship deal fell through and Rotorama didn’t participate in DCL. I admit I haven’t been practicing as much as I would need to to do any better in the local races either.
So at least I got the world of FOSS to get out of the couch.
Tobias organized yet another icon-related hackfest in Berlin earlier this year. This time we had some talented young developers help us out with the tooling. This effort to focus on the tools as well as the assets is continuing and we’ll have some more exciting news to share soon.
Hackfest Berlin 2019 from jimmac on Vimeo.
GUADEC continues bringing awesome southern locations, which a vitamin D deprived monkey from a rainy climate can’t appreciate enough. I have fallen back to my comfort zone and only given a short workflow/demo on icon design this year, mainly because Tobias has been giving great talks on focusing on design.
I still have a video to finish editing, but it ended up more of a personal one so I’m not sure I’ll publicize it that much.
the Hague
And we’re closing the year with another design hackfest. Big shout out to Hans de Goede and Carlos Garnacho for organizing a shell hackfest in the Netherlands, and mainly allow some designers crash the party to revive our efforts in attacking some of the downsides of the current overview design. The facilities of Revspace allowed us to meet face to face, mind map on the whiteboard, iterate on some prototypes and move forward considerably compared to the usual cycle spanning months.